Paratha Flour Recipe

Paratha Flour Recipe

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    • 4 cups LION BRAND' Roti and Doubles Flour
    • 6 tbsp. Ghee, butter (Ghee is clarified butter)
    • 4 tsp. LION BRAND' Baking Powder
    • 2 tbsp. oil
    • 1/2 tsp. salt
    • 1 3/4 cups water


      1. Sift the flour then mix with baking powder and salt. Add enough water to make a dough.
      2. Knead until a soft dough is formed.
      3. Shape into balls and allow to rest (15 -25mins).
      4. Roll out the dough after resting to form a circle about 1/4 inch thick.
      5. Spread butter or ghee on the rolled out dough and sprinkle sparingly with flour.
      6. Make a cut from the centre of the dough out to the edge and roll in a cone shape.
      7. Press the peak in and flatten the centre of the cone. Allow to rest about 20 minutes.
      8. Roll out on a floured board.
      9. Using the flat side of a utensil dip the butter/oil mixture or ghee and coat the hot baking stone (Tawah).
      10. Place dough on the baking stone.
      11. Spread the butter/oil on one side with the utensil, turn onto the other side and repeat.
      When cooked on both sides use two wooden spatulas to break up the roti to give the ripped up, flaky appearance. Another option: wrap the rod in a clean cloth and beat with your hands.

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